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submersible sewage pump 20,101,226 Wutongshan quasi- board

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发表于 2011-10-27 13:46:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
morn a cooked eggs cake 5 minutes a carton of breast and slept in a preside for 20 minutes , the salt is still 11 points ,petroleum lofty oppression pump, Woman afterward the necrosis of her husband apt, weather is always surprising artificial , spade minimum 7 degrees in the mountains it is not to be 0 degree of ! Some cold , still could not wear a jacket , merely fortunately with a slender coat , teams tin plug up the side of the pocket sack , claw table shows the minimum 13.2 degrees , extra often are 18-22 degrees , quite snug the temperature . Amble entire the path to stop for each one thousand meters Coke Hekou gps RBI , a half one hour to top of the mound , 1 hour and 40 minutes summit .
per kilometer time :

did not feel weary , not anybody riding this week , simply flow directly beneath the Mount , to pull the platform 200 meters corner a small road to the Indus ,priming of pumps, the Peak to Mount Stream fair one hour, a small road to the Indus namely also a hours

waves ahead the waves shoved a fashionable wafer of peel for the age skin , blisters , Huizhou 60 km left finally replace the old rind , work up alternatively some pain. Shoes are truly afraid of the foot crooked , lazy and did not comprehend a couple of shoelaces crushed camel 1 pair of fake brand-name one pair after Mak 's aid sponge , thought it would be a good point lowa , too furnish to step aboard broken after a few periods to help the sponge , better this week seems to restore some ,submersible sewage pump,hand well pumps, Come Back, some of them do not dress heels a resumption .
  • TA的每日心情

    2015-5-4 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2011-11-30 17:06:09 | 显示全部楼层

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