TA的每日心情 | 2021-9-16 10:21 |
签到天数: 145 天 [LV.7]辟谷中学III
本帖最后由 哈尔滨开心就好 于 2021-8-23 10:03 编辑
1. 生命的觉悟Consciousness of life;
2. 一颗自由、喜悦与充满爱的心A heart of freedom, joy and love;
3. 走遍天下的气魄The spirit that travels all over the world;
4. 回归自然,有与自然链接的能力Back to nature, ability of connection with nature;
5. 安稳和平和的睡眠Smooth and steady sleeping;
6. 享受真正属于自己的空间和时间Enjoy your own space and time;
7. 有彼此深爱的灵魂伴侣A beloved soul mate;
8. 任何时候都有真正懂你的朋友There is always someone who really understands you;
9. 身体的健康和内心的富足Heathy and rich heart;
10. 能感染并点燃他人的希望Infect others and awaken their hopematch。