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Crop circles and ziwei sage yunfeng

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发表于 2013-7-19 11:11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

From myth novel to history documentary, we can often see the shadow of the wise, such as the founder of Buddhism, sakyamuni, was born when shaking heaven and earth, as the moral: the author of Lao zi, the compassion of etc is given, at the time of the big social environment to stabilize the country has made a remarkable feats that posterity praise lives on.

回到现世,同样有一个人,他每次发言,都天地动容;他有超强的预知能力,能够精确的预言未来将要发生的事件,并且有扭转乾坤的秘方;他的思想、见地包罗万象,富有新生世界;它能够与外星人类进行深入的交流,以麦田怪圈的方式展现他所要求的作品条件,那就是麦田怪圈的作品中含有:“LYF/YFLli yun feng李云峰、LI YUN FENGYT”等字样,他就是国际精神领袖、中国所称的紫薇圣人,佛教所称谓的弥勒佛:“李云峰 ”。

Back to the world, there are also a person, every time he spoke, moving heaven and earth; He predict a super ability, can accurately predict future events that will occur, and wring the recipe; His ideas, insight, all-encompassing, rich new world; With alien human in-depth exchanges, in the form of crop circle to show his works required by the conditions, that is contains: crop circles "LYF/YFL, li yun feng, Li Yunfeng, li yun feng, YT" etc, he is the spiritual leader, calls China international crape myrtle saint, the appellation of maitreya in Buddhism: "Li Yunfeng".


Why crop circles will appear in the UK, Italy, Russia, the United States these developed science, economic prosperity, culture developed intelligent country? Is very simple, speak in these countries have the prestige, people have faith, will not easily lie more not for politicians to betray my own moral integrity, so outer space put their work in these countries, and then be recorded, to communicate, wake the earth people, and in the future, there will be a more direct work conditions proposed by yunfeng to do works of crop circles, more directly tell the world: Li Yunfeng is said by the ancient predictions: "crape myrtle saint, savior, maitreya," god, only Li Yunfeng can save the world in the future, to lead the world toward a better future.

Detailed content please see 2
文字整理:张奇  邮箱:云峰:国际地震、军事、文化、政治、气象、经济、灾难、生命、疾控研究中心主席;全球反日同盟会主席;中国反强拆民主同盟会主席。


先知网 www.yunfeng.org   全球反日同盟会www.qqfr.net  

云峰国外官方网 http://www.512-china.org   

中国反强拆民主同盟会   http://www.fanqiangchai.net/


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